Nurturing Your PetNurturing Your Pet

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Nurturing Your Pet

It's one thing to feed and bathe your pet like you should, but it's another thing to treat him or her like a family member. I have been a pet owner for a long time, and during that time, I have watched how friends and family members treat their animals. I have noticed several trends with people who really care about their animals, and I want to share them with you. After all, doesn't every pet deserve to be loved and cared for? Check out my blog for more information regarding pet ownership, so that you can make life special for your furry friend.

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Has Your Pup's Eczema Been Acting Up? 3 Tips To Increase Their Comfort With Spa Treatments

Watching as your dog deals with eczema is upsetting. While some cases of eczema in dogs are mild enough to be barely detectable, others can be severe enough to cause your dog to lick, gnaw, and scratch at their fur and skin. While you should always start with a trip to the vet, it is also nice to know that there are other things that you can do to soothe your pet. These three tips will help you plan the perfect spa day for your favorite canine at a local spa for dogs.

Consider a Brief Introductory Visit

When you book your dog's appointment, it helps to find out if you can stop by in advance for an introductory visit. During this visit, you can have a chance to talk to the staff about your dog's eczema and discuss any other pertinent health information. Your dog will also have the opportunity to get used to the sights, sounds, and scents of the spa so that they will be more relaxed on the day that they receive their services.

Remember to Arrange for Basic Care

Spa services for dogs may include special baths and facials. However, you also want to consider having the technician perform a few basic services during your dog's visit. For instance, having their nails professionally trimmed helps to reduce the possibility of your dog scratching their skin and causing an infection. Keeping your dog's hair trimmed shorter may also reduce issues caused by heat if that seems to trigger eczema symptoms.

Ask About Specialty Treatments

At a spa for dogs, your pup can be treated to specialty treatments that are designed to go several steps further than a traditional bath. For instance, your dog may benefit from a mud mask or salt soak that helps to soothe their irritated skin. Essential oils may also be applied to your dog's coat or mixed into their shampoo to bring relief from itching and irritation. Alternatively, your dog may benefit from aromatherapy if their eczema symptoms cause them to experience anxiety or to exhibit negative behaviors. Be sure to consider the full array of spa options so that you can find what works best for you pet.

A day at the spa is the perfect way to help your dog relax and feel better when they have a bad bout of eczema. By keeping your dog's skin clean and healthy, you can ease their symptoms so that they can focus on cuddling and enjoying your playtime together.